Welcome to the Family
The weather back in Boston is terrible... I am talking THREE FEET of snow. Conversely, Seattle is 60 degrees with no clouds in the middle of January. I needed to take advantage of the beautiful weather by going to Kerry Park which overlooks the city. I love to sit and just look out at the water and the boats.
chris wilhelm photography
Kerry Park at Night
As I am looking over at some people, I notice a red jersey. I think to myself, "Is that a Patriot jersey? Who would be wearing that." I lean over to see if I was seeing another, fellow Patriots fan. As I lean over I see a huge group of Patriots fans! I grab all my stuff and run over there to the Patriots fans and yelled, "MY PEOPLE!" They are all yelled back and clapped. I gave out high-fives to everyone. I was so excited to see that I was not alone. I started talking to the group and it turns out that they are part of a group of 700 people called Boston Sports Fan Group of Seattle. They are all from the New England area that now live in the Seattle area. The group was going all around Seattle at all the famous spots to show their Patriots pride behind enemy lines. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
I literally cried tears of joy, not because they are Patriots fans, but because they know where I come from and they understand things that no one out here in Seattle understand. I felt as if I was back in Boston. They hugged me and welcomed me into the group. Don't believe I cried, check this video proof below:
What an amazing day!
I guess I am not so alone out here in Seattle. I have found fellow members of the resistance! If you have not seen my Instagram, you should because I give you daily updates on what it is like to be Patriots fan in enemy territory. Stay Strong Patriots fans!