Matthew Gattozzi

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24 years old

I have officially entered my mid-twenties!

24 years old.

It is an eerie time to have a birthday in the middle of a quarantine. I am someone who loves being around people and celebrating with a lot of people.

This year, it was just my roommate and my fiance. They made this day as special as a quarantine birthday can be, and I am grateful.

This time in the world has made me stop and think.

Stop and look around.

Stop and cry.

Stop and pray.

I have been talking and writing a lot about the Coronavirus on my personal blog, business blog, and videos.

23 was an amazing year. I got engaged, I expanded my business, I traveled around the world and had so many laughs. 23 was truly perfect.

24 is starting with a lot of fear in myself. I am someone who denies a lot about what is going on inside myself. I am a pretty positive guy, which is important, but sometimes I mask my hurt or fear with fake positivity.

I am afraid of what is going to happen with the economy and with my business. The future seems uncertain. How long will we be inside? How will my business adapt to this lifestyle? Will people ask me for guidance and help with their business?

My goal for 2020 was to keep working at the pace that I was and harvest the fruits of my labors from 2019.

This doesn’t change.

It will not change.

I will not let economic demise take me down.

I will not let quarantine stop me from exploring my mind and building my business.

I will prevail.

I know I will because my blood boils at the idea of my business crashing down. This is not pride that I am the best; it is confidence in my grit.

I have trained my whole life for this moment.

The moment to rise up.

I have been praying for my big break in my career, and I think it is here in the most unlikely time I could imagine.

I am ready to step up in my life.

I am ready to keep moving.

I am ready to take on what life and the world has to offer.

If you are reading this- thank you. I am grateful that you support me. I am going after things in my life that I have held myself back for a while. I have put limitations on my abilities that I will take away. 24, here I come. I won’t the world or myself get in the way of what will blossom to be another perfect year.

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