How the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Made Us Minimalists- Now What?!

State of emergency.

Social Distancing.

Work shut down.

Meetings and events canceled.

In regular life, we are always looking for another hour in the day to get everything done; with the Coronavirus, we are forced to cancel a lot on our schedule. We aren’t crowding each hour with people, meetings, or activities.

This has created a minimalist living in most of our schedule.

The Coronavirus has given us exactly what most people always want- TIME.

Time to read.

Time to think.

Time to rest.

Time to explore.

Time to build a business.

Time to write.

Time to do the things in life that have been neglected.

I am someone who loves being in a community and loves to be around people. I tend to overpack my schedule with coffee hangouts, meetings, and events.


I feel at this time, with everything being canceled, it has made me think about what is essential in my life.

Am I spending my time towards the things that I care about or actually want to accomplish?

Am I wasting a lot of time that seems like a smart use of my time when, in fact, it could be not as resourceful or impactful?

I honestly don’t know the future of my business in this current state of shutdown. I have to change how I serve clients if my team can’t go and help film or photograph. Some of our events are being paused, and we can’t do anything about it.

Instead of panicking, I have started to ask the question, what else do I want to do?

I have no excuses now; I have the most time in the world and the least amount of distractions due to things being canceled.

So here I am writing. I have always wanted to write a book and teach through a community on the mindset of how to make money without a college degree. I want to share my education with others in a way that is accessible and engaging.

I have wanted to get back to making personal videos- so you can watch this one right now!


I am working on a few other things to improve my business as I wait until things clear up.

These times are uncertain, but they have made us minimalists. We can focus on that one thing we have always wanted to pursue. No excuses- all you have is time.

What are you working on in your free time?

How has your schedule changed for the better due to the Coronavirus? Let me know in the comments down below.


24 years old


The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Effects on Artists and Small Businesses