Where is God during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?


Why is all of this happening?

Why has the whole world shut down?

When will this all stop?

There are moments in history or my life when I ask, where are you, God?

Recently during this Coronavirus pandemic, I have asked this question.

It is so easy to feel like God is not here right now. I look around and see the hurt and loss, and not understand why that could even exist if God is a loving God.

What I quickly forget is that I am limited, and God is unlimited. What I see may not be the full picture that God sees right now.

He might see the decrease in pollution on his earth is a great thing.

He might see the forced stop of lifestyle is making people pause in a way they haven’t paused in a very long time in life.

He might see that people are starting to focus on their health and fitness more now than ever before.

He might see that people realize that we are genuinely not in control of life at all, and only someone more significant than ourselves is in control.

I see pain, but God might see beauty.

I don’t know what God is thinking, but I am hoping that I can see the beauty in this pain that is happening in the world.

I know that at the beginning of the year, I was praying for peace and for my mind to slow down. I didn’t think I literally needed a world pandemic to slow down, but alas, here we are.

I have seen that I am not in control of my life at all, even though I can act as if I am the king of my world. This time has forced me to lose money, stop working, and feel fear. In all of the pain, I have started to feel God’s presence only.

Maybe I needed to lose a little in the short term to gain a genuine connection with God in the long run.

I don’t think we can answer the question about why this pain is happening, but I know I can answer the question, where is God during the Coronavirus.

He is here.

Next to me.

Next to you.

It may not seem like He is here, but if we actually stop.

You will see Him.

Say hi.

He wants us to be with Him.


Why 2020 was the best year ever


24 years old