
Second Year in Austin

What a whirlwind of a few weeks it has been.


A Hurricane hit Texas.

In the midst of it all, I officially started my second season at Ballet Austin on August 21, 2017, as a member of the second company. I am thrilled to be back for another season. On top of performing, I will be teaching at Tarrytown Dance, and I am excited to be pushed in many areas as an artist.

On August 29, 2016, I moved to Austin ready to finally live my dreams.

Today marks my one year anniversary in this amazing city of Austin.

What a year it has been! I had no idea what kind of adventure I would embark on when I first moved to Austin. I did not know anyone. 

This year has been filled with incredible people, experiences, performances, and victories. This year has also been filled with hurt, disappointment, depression, and loneliness. That is the reality of life. We have the ups and the downs. I have grown so much in just 365 days. I am a completely changed man compared to the kid who moved to Austin. I have accomplished so much this past year.

I am proud of me.

I came in with a lot of baggage and hurt, and now standing before you, is a guy who has hope in the future, owns a car, and is currently in the most exciting year of his professional career. BIG things have happened, and BIG things will happen.

None of this would be here if it were not for you.

Yes- YOU!

I would not be here if it were not for the many folks who hit me up when I was going through depression.

I would not be here if it were not for those who encouraged me to keep dancing when dancing got tough.

I would not be here if it were not for those who were there for me as I took risks and went out of my comfort zone.

I would not be here if it were not for you all doing big things in your life and inspiring me and giving me hope in my own life.

This second year will be an outstanding year full of ambition. I have one year left as an apprentice at Ballet Austin and either I get hired into the main company, or I have to perform somewhere else. On top of that, I am taking more responsibility as a teacher that could lead to new places in my career.

Am I nervous?

Yeah. I would be lying if I said I was not.

Am I ready?


I know that I am ready because this past year in Austin has been one of the most formative years ever and has prepared me for the experiences to come. 

Career aside, I want to enjoy me. I want to enjoy making videos and photos. I want to enjoy performing. I want to enjoy teaching. I learned that these opportunities are incredibly unique that I do not want to miss out on my chance because I am busy stressing out. No stress- just fun.

Cheers to another year in Austin.