rule 11

First Job Interview

Me: "Hi, my name is Matt Gattozzi, I am here for my job interview."

Manager: "Perfect timing, let's go outside to talk."


Yesterday was my first job interview of my life. I have never had time to have a consistent job in high school because I was always so busy with school and ballet. I did some tutoring or some small chore jobs for neighbors and friends, but I have never been under real employment. This year, I will be at ballet for a majority of the day but after, I will be free. Instead of going home to binge on Netflix, (which is good to do some days, not everyday) I want to stay productive, especially since I am not doing school. 

A week earlier I went to see what was available around Seattle Center. A place called Yeti Yogurt, which is a frozen yogurt spot, had jobs available. I love Yeti Yogurt, so to me, this was a no-brainer. I got an application and filled it out. 

Now fast forward back to yesterday morning, I was just finishing my workout at about 10:30 AM when I get a call to see if I can do an interview at 4:30 PM. I said yes. My first dilemma was, what do I wear? This store is pretty casually so I put on nice shorts and a T-Shirt. What I figured is, wear something that you feel confident in and stick with it (RULE 10). If you second guess, than you are not confident. With my clothing all figured out, I was off to my interview.

 I got to the place thirty minutes early, but the manager interviewed me right away. She asked me simple questions about myself. Then she got into harder questions like, "If you saw a fellow employee doing something wrong, what would you do?" It was hard to think on the spot because I was not really prepared on what type of questions the manager would ask. Come prepared understanding different areas of the work space like employee interaction, so you are ready to answer any question. Being over prepared is better than being under prepared (RULE 11). I think I did pretty well for my first job interview. I will find out in a week or two. I hope I get the position, but if not, I learned a lot to get another position at another store or shop. 

So now I have to wait for the good or bad news: