I Learned How to Breathe
“On my next day off, which is on October 6th, I will definitely explore more of Lake Union.”
October 6th was a big day this year. Did I get a contract for a ballet company? NO. I got a day off. October 6th was my only day off till December 28th, so I wanted to make sure this was a good day of adventure and relaxation. If you read my last post, then you would know that I spent my morning getting a charger at Best Buy for my laptop. That is not all that I did on my day off.
Part of ballet is injuries. Injuries are not fun at all, but they happen because dancers push their bodies to extreme limits everyday. I have an inflamed calf on my right leg which has been bothering me for a few weeks. I went to physical therapy to get some help. This appointment flipped my world upside down. I thought they would just message my calf and give me some exercises. NOPE. This man, analyzed my posture and how I breathe. He said that my posture affects my walking and as a result I overuse my calf outside of ballet which then causes the calf to be inflamed. He taught me a new posture and a new way to breathe. This change has not only affected me in regular everyday life, but this change has also transformed my ballet technique for the better.
Not many people can say that they have had to retrain themselves how to breathe... but I am one of them. You may know how to do something, but sometimes there is a better way (RULE 26).
So after getting my breathing figured out, I was out to do what I wanted to do months ago... Kayaking on Lake Union. I was out on Lake Union by myself for two hours and I loved every second of it. It was quite peaceful and relaxing as I was out on the water. It is funny because every time I go to Target, I always come out with something that I did not plan on buying. For example, on my first Target trip, I went to buy a charger for my laptop, and I ended up also buying Monopoly. On the second Target trip, I went to just return the charger, and I left with a GoPro. A GoPro is a small video camera that is great for action videos. I have been very interested in videography and I always wanted a GoPro, so I bought a GoPro Hero 3 White edition. Here is my first ever movie using my GoPro. I hope you enjoy.