Orange Marmalade will be the Death of me
“Come into a grocery store with a plan”
Before I learned this lesson and created rule 39, I was taking a gander in the jams section of the store one glorious afternoon. I love lots of different types of jams like strawberry, raspberry, and the likes. When I saw orange marmalade, I thought, "hmmm I have never had this before, but it seems like that would be great for PB&J." Hindsight is 20/20 (RULE 42). I was wrong. Orange marmalade is so bitter and I almost spit out my PB&J which is a shame since PB&J is the best. I did not know it was possible to ruin a PB&J until I actually ruined a PB&J. Orange marmalade is not made for a PB&J (RULE 43).
Though it is a crime that I ruined a PB&J, the worst part of the situation was that I now have a jar full of orange marmalade that I hate. I hate this orange marmalade, but at the same time I do not want to throw away money. My friend suggested that I make orange chicken. PERFECT! I thought I am going to give Panda Express a run for their money. So I called up my dad who is a master chef and asked him how to make orange chicken.
Let me say that making orange chicken is easier said than done... well, actually it is not too hard if you listen to directions. If you are picking up what I am putting down, then you can predict what happened. CORRECT! I did not follow Rule 18. I forgot to bread the chicken and the chicken just cooked in this orange marmalade waste. The chicken just became bitter and the pan looked disgusting.
I have been scarred by my first major disaster in the kitchen. Every time I open the fridge, I just see a jar with orange marmalaid. I do not think I am ready right now, but maybe in a week or two, I will give another go at the orange chicken. For now, I will just stick to Panda Express' orange chicken.