3 Years on an Incredible Journey
On June 6, 2014, I graduated from The Roxbury Latin School.
On June 29, 2014, I started this website under the original URL: Theodysseychasingthedream.com
On July 5th, 2014, I had a one-way ticket, moved out of my house, and went across the country to train in Seattle in hopes to stay there during the year.
Today is July 6th, 2017- THREE YEARS later, and I am living in Austin, Texas dancing for Ballet Austin and teaching for Tarrytown Dance after residing in Seattle for two years. My website has expanded to more than just a blog about a kid figuring out life- it has everything from photography and videos to other people's stories to my own story.
Three years ago, I had no idea that I was going to deal with depression. I did not know I was going to write about some of the darkest parts of my life and that people would care to read and listen. I had no idea I was going to be pursuing visual art and health the way that I am now here on this site and in my life. I did not know that I was going to have the opportunities to dance and perform the way that I have had these past few years.
Absolute Insanity.
When I left Boston, I did not have a plan- I had hope.
Hopeful of getting the professional division position at Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Hopeful of getting a professional dance contract.
Hopeful of living my dreams.
How my life has shaped is honestly beyond me. The life that I have lived has been better than whatever I imagined three years ago.
Has it been hard?
HECK YES! Read all about my depression. Read all about my search for my job. I have been shaken to my core many times. I have been hurt by people and by the pursuit of my dreams. I have experienced pain that I did not anticipate. I have questioned my identity. I have questioned who I am and who I want to be. There were times when I lost my hope in my dreams. I did not believe they could come to fruition.
But I stand before you three years later feeling grateful.
I believe that I am just getting started. I am excited for some big things to come. I have ideas of where I want my life to go and what I want to do. Will they go the way I want them? Probably not. But that is the beauty of the Odyssey.
The Odyssey- chasing the dream.
Never stop dreaming.
Never stop chasing.
Keep moving forward.
Thank you for the support. I will try my hardest to give back to you, day in and day out on this platform.
Photos by Elier Rodriguez