
How to Use Linkedin to Land Your Dream Job

When you think about your dream job, it can be overwhelming because it may feel impossible with how you could even get into the office building let alone an interview or your resume in front of an executive.

The solution: Linkedin

Linkedin is the back door to your dream job and creating the career you desire.

Here are a few stats that are imperative to know.

According to Hootsuite: 45% of Linkedin users are in upper management, and 91% of executives rate LinkedIn as their first choice for professionally relevant content.

The people that you want to impress and network with are actively seeking industry content on this one platform. Now it is time for you to make an impression that will last.

Here are a few steps to make an impression that can land you your dream job!

1. Have a great headline

The headline is your mission statement for your life and career. How do you serve other people?

2. Have a great summary

The summary is your chance to expand on your mission statement while talking about how you have helped people in your career. People get to see a part of your personality and history from the summary.

3. Have great endorsements

Of course, you think you are the best, but what do other people think of you? Having endorsements gives you credibility. Ask former employers, bosses, and team members to provide you with a recommendation on Linkedin.

4. Build leads and conversations through posting

Linkedin is a social network, not a resume holder. Linkedin allows you to post opinions of subjects. You can post to update what you are working on, and you can build conversation through your posts. You can build credibility and spread your ideas through your content, whether that is a video or an article. What is excellent about Linkedin is that users actually want to discuss work topics and their industries.

5. Give Value to People

The discussion of ideas is where the magic happens and where you can make connections. Ask questions, respond to comments, and message to people that you want to know. You can’t be selfish- you have to give value to other people. Some executive might see your comment and message you to discuss further. You never know what will come of your interactions, don’t give with expectations. Just give. Opportunities will come!

6. Be Patient and Don’t be Weird

Building your reputation on this platform takes time, so be patient. A friendship doesn’t happen in one day, but it takes many experiences and conversations to build trust. Linkedin is the same way. As you interact with people, don’t be weird. Seems simple, but people can be AWKWARD on this platform. Be genuine, ask questions, and listen. Do not sell on your first point of contact or spam!

Ultimately, have fun. Linkedin is an engaged community that wants to improve industries, share ideas, and network. Linkedin is a special place for professionals. So go forth and get your dream job! Ask any questions you have below.