The Apartment Search is Over
I have been looking for an apartment for a few weeks now, but I did not want to write about something that may fall through. I have never looked for real estate in my life, so the process was a very new experience that I did not understand. Sometimes when you look at a place you get super excited about the spot, but then something goes wrong and you cannot get place. My approach to the process was to stay calm. Getting a lease is a very fast process with lots of calls and visits that sometimes I felt like I did not even have time to think.
Luckily, through the turbulence of calls and appointments with property managers, I found a spot that was available, had a great space, and had a great location. Finding this apartment was the eye of the storm. The only problem with the eye of the storm is that eventually the break from the storm passes and the storm begins again.
I started calling my roommate-to-be and my parents asking for advice. Soon enough, we were set on this place. We put our applications in to see if we would be approved to lease the apartment. I got a call from the property manager that I need to put a deposit down and then the apartment would be my place for the year.
Today, I went to the bank to get a money order and placed my deposit. I GOT THE PLACE! Unfortunately, I cannot move in until September 6th, but I have a place. I am pretty excited to live in an apartment. Most kids my age are still at home or living at a dorm. I skipped the dorm life and I went right to the apartment life. I cannot wait to see all the crazy memories that will be created in my apartment. For now, I will just celebrate that I know where I will be living for the year!