Mission Accomplished
“Yesterday, I was on my way home from getting a computer charger (more on that later). I went to Target right near Pike’s Place Market downtown.”
I feel like I start out each post by apologizing for something... but I must this time. Sorry for not posting in a week. "Matt, why have you not posted in a week?" One may ask. GREAT QUESTION! If the above quotation from my last post does not help, let me fill you. The answer below:
“My experience with technology out here in Seattle for me has not been great.”
I wrote this on September 22nd. Well, this statement has held true once again. On Saturday, September 27, I was picking up my laptop from the coffee table as I was laying on my couch. I did not give a lot of strength in my wrist. In result, the computer slowly tipped to the floor. The laptop had the charger in it and unfortunately, when the laptop hit the floor lightly, the charger broke. Clearly the laptop did not fall light enough. Now I have no power for my laptop and my roommate has a Mac so his charger would not work for my HP. My solution was to go out and buy a charger.
This seems like a simple task, but it was not so simple. As stated above, I went to Target to get a computer charger. The man working said that it is a universal charger that should work for my HP. Everything should be good as new, correct? WRONG. I got home after having my encounter with the little boys and opened up the box. There are seven bits of all sizes that go into the charger hole of the laptop. Well I tried one bit. No good. The next bit was no good. Well, after all seven, none fit.
Yay, I just paid 60 dollars on something that does not work and I still have a dead computer. My solution was to return the charger and get another one at Radio Shack. Well I was not physically able to accomplish this task till Saturday. So one week later after I broke my charger, I went back to Target to return my useless charger with no problems. I got my money back in five minutes! I thought have to battle Target since I opened up the box, but there was no need to argue.
I arrived at Radio Shack to buy a charger. This time I brought my computer with me to try the charger. I did not want to make the same mistake twice. I tried all three chargers that could possibly work for my computer............. NONE WORKED.
My reaction exactly! Luckily, on Monday (two days later) had a day off. I took an hour bus ride to Northgate mall to go to Best Buy. The Geek Squad gave me the hook up and I got a charger that works. Thank the LORD!!!! I made it a week and a half without my computer. I am not even dependent on my computer, but it was frustrating to know that I did not have the option to use my computer. In conclusion, always grab your laptop with two hands (RULE 25).