First week for a lot of things
Since I do not have internet at my house, I have an hour and half before this café closes, so here it goes:
Where to begin?
Let me start out by apologizing for not posting for a week... but let me explain why.
I left off at having adventures with my mom and emphasizing being classy while I am gone. I hope you did your part and stayed classy while I was out adventuring. I went kayaking for the first time in my life out on Lake Union. I was in my own boat going all around Lake Union, under the Fremont bridge all the way to Ballard Bridge. That was a lot of water to travel, but I loved seeing the city from a whole new perspective. As I was on my back to the docks, there was a plethora of big yachts coming in to the docks at the same time. I almost tipped over because the wakes were massive, but I held my ground (or lack of ground since I was on the water) with the big boys. On my next day off, which is on October 6th, I will definitely explore more of Lake Union.
Unfortunately, the next day, my mom had to fly back home :(! I was sad to see her leave because I love to be with her in person but I was also sad to see something else leave. The imaginary, unlimited amount of money. As a kid I was always told that money never grows on trees and all the other jazz about being careful with money. The only problem when you are a kid, you usually do not have to worry about money. I am not saying that is true for everyone but for me, I was fortunate to not have to worry. With my parents not with me here in Seattle, that money tree is not and I have to actually use my own money that I saved for college on rent and groceries. For the first time I can say that I am not beholden to my parents money.... but that is a very scary thing to say since money does NOT grow on trees (RULE 13). Conversely, my parents are probably loving me gone since they do not have to pay for groceries for a active teenage boy.
If you have been keeping track of my timeline, you would be correct! I have not moved into my apartment at this point (Tuesday, September 2nd). The only problem is that ballet for me started on Wednesday, September 3rd. Yep, so I was back to couch surfing at my friend's place.
“no I did not die, but after this first week at ballet, it sure has felt like I have met death. This has easily been the hardest week on my body ever. Everyday, after hours of dancing, sweating (a lot), and the occasional blood I come home dead tired. Once I finish dinner, I usually go back to my room with two big ice bags and I sit on my bed and ice my ankles and knees.”
Yes this was written by yours truly almost two months ago. LIE LIE LIE! That post is a bunch of bologna. Want to know why? Because this past week I completed my first week as a professional division student at the Pacific Northwest Ballet and I felt pain in places that I never knew existed. I struggled just getting up stairs. That is not an exaggeration. The funny thing is, it has only gotten harder as the week has gone on. The first week we just had classes but starting this week, rehearsals for Jewels by George Balanchine starts. I have the unbelievable privilege to learn it. There were two small catch up rehearsals for the students since the company members already know the ballet. After only 3.5 hours of rehearsal, I entered my first ever company rehearsal. I am only understudying, so I did not think I would be going in. I got to actually go in for the rehearsal... but it was for another spot. So I had to learn the different patterns and timing as I went through the rehearsal. Luckily, my partner was super nice to me and helped me through everything. I learned to always be prepared because you never know when and where you will be dancing (RULE 14).
We are at present day today with my ballet and family timeline but not my apartment timeline. Let's rewind to Friday. I GOT MY KEYS! TURN UP, TURN UP, TURN UP! I officially have my own apartment! Not only do I have my own place, I do not need to couch surf anymore (for now). Now, it was time to fill it with things. First came the free leather couch from the floor above me. When my mom went to check out my apartment when I went to work, there were two girls moving out and they gave me and my roommate a few things. One of which included a leather couch. My friend and I went to go get the couch. We thought it would not be too hard to bring it to my place. Wrong. The way the apartment is laid out, the couch got stuck in the doorway. We were trying to jam it through the doorway. No go. We stood there for a few minutes just trying figure how the couch got into the apartment and how it can go out of the apartment. Stop and think when moving objects through doorways (RULE 15). We finally got it out of the apartment and into the hallway. After the elevator ride down a floor, we were moving to the couch in the hallway and knocked the exit sign loose. Look up when moving things (RULE 16). Yes, two rules were created in moving just one object. The couch finally made it into the apartment... it is COMFY! Some things are just worth the wait (RULE 17). Okay, so three rules were created for just moving one object. Unfortunately, I have no other rules for the microwave, chairs, and a few bookshelves that I brought down from the apartment.
On Saturday, my roommate, my stuff, and our IKEA furniture all arrived on Saturday in that order. Over the next two days, between my roommate and I, we put together all our furniture. After many troubles with making the furniture, I learned to check the instructions twice, three times, maybe four before doing anything (RULE 18). That rule is not just for IKEA furniture... even popcorn. Yes, on the first use of the microwave, I burnt popcorn, not pretty.
When all the trash is out and all the furniture is put into place, pictures will come shortly after. You are all caught up on the craziest week of my life. Luckily, even though my ballet schedule is getting harder, I do not have to worry about moving and furniture. I can come home to my own place and relax.
I have eight minutes left, so I cannot begin to talk about my craziness at my job. In short, person before me does not show up to work and does not open the store... I will let your imaginations take you on a journey with that little snit-bit.