Taking our Hajj
I started writing a post about my first day of work:
The whole time I have stayed with my aunt and uncle (the past two weeks), my uncle always says at night, "Awww I have work tomorrow." I would always chuckle because, well, I did not have work. Last night, after watching some football I said, "Awww I have work tomorrow." My uncle and I lost it. For the first time in my I could say that I have work tomorrow.
Well tomorrow turned into today and my first day of work started. My shift began at 10 AM and ended at 4 PM. I started my shift filling out paper work and making sure I am official. Once the papers were completed, I began to learn how the store operated. I have never worked behind a cash
But then I had to pick up my mom from the airport! Instead of talking about my first day of work, which is exciting, I will talk about being with my mom since my mom being in Seattle is even more exciting. I have not been away from my family for longer than eight weeks, so I have definitely been missing my family! When I saw my mom at the airport, I just gave her a big hug.
My mom is not here just to see me, I also need to get things for my apartment. Well, actually everything. My roommate and I have literally nothing but clothes. So we took our Hajj, to the great Mecca... IKEA! I am not a huge fan of shopping for hours so this was going to be a struggle. When we got everything, I mean we got EVERYTHING. Three and half hours later, we all made it to the cash register alive. That might not seem like a long time, but during that time, it felt like a whole day. The key is just to persevere or else the shopping will get worse if you want to stop (RULE 12).
This is class! Take notes
Even though I barely made it alive from IKEA, I am very excited to get into the apartment and make the place look good. My place is going to look sweet and it will be a hoppin' apartment. I need to be with my mom since the next time I will see her is after Christmas. Yes, I do miss the holidays with my family because of Nutcracker. So this weekend is the only time I have with her. I may not be posting a lot but I will be posting about the adventures we have together this weekend. Till then, stay classy my friends.