Adventure Time
“The world’s a playground. You know that when you are a kid, but somewhere along the way everyone forgets it.”
Although most people from ballet went home, I still have my church family, aunt and uncle to hang out with. This week I am staying on the couch of a few guys from the campus ministry. These next few weeks I get to experience Seattle without having to worry about ballet or anything else. I explore the city. The best way to experience a city is to say Yes. I know Yes Man is a comedy, but there is a lesson you can take from the movie. I am not saying you should say yes to everything... that is a bit extreme. What I am saying is sometimes in life, you get a period of time where you should just say yes, and these next three weeks my motto is yes.
Me on top of the Troll under the bridge in Fremont
What trouble has that gotten me into one may be asking (most likely my mom)? I went to the center of the universe. Yeah, I know, pretty crazy, but true. Fremont claims they are the center of the universe. I have biked all over Seattle and jumped into the ocean at Golden Gardens. I also picked blackberries and made pies with the fresh berries. Last night, I went to Fremont to see the troll under the bridge. To top it all off, I had the best cake of my life in Fremont at Simply Desserts. That is only three days... I have three weeks.