Matthew Gattozzi

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WARNING: Most people, like me, cannot spend their whole life on vacation. I have commitments back at home in Seattle that I needed to get back to and unfortunately, I could not stay in Zurich to eat pastries and drink beer. After a long, safe travel back from Europe I made it back home, the land of responsibilities.

I have a show, Snow White, in two weeks that I am performing in and I have a huge pas de deux that I need to rehearse for. I have bills that I need to pay. I have to email companies with my resume and photos. I have to set up auditions. I have to email people I have already auditioned for. I have to continue to audition. Need I continue? Yes, I have a lot on my plate right now, but I am excited for the future. I am refreshed from my trip and I am ready to get back working. I am out of shape from all those pastries and Swiss chocolate, but I am working my way back into shape before my show in two weeks. 

Nothing too crazy has happened in my life since I have been back from Europe, but in the next month I should have some crazy stories to tell you. I have finished a few books in the last month and I am hoping to post some essays on the blog in the next few days. Photos of the trip are soon to come as well. Responsibilities are taxing, but life would be aimless without them (RULE 57).